We offer retreat accommodations including year-round climate-controlled dorms, a fully furnished kitchen, covered picnic tables, space for group meetings and devotions, and various outdoor activities.
Summer Camps
We are currently enrolling for summer camps in 2025! Please contact us for details.

Since 1966, the Pot O' Gold Ranch has been used of the Lord as a soul winning ministry with a missions goal of reaching young people and children with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Over 10,000 people have accepted Christ and God has called many pastors and missionaries, who are serving around the world, at the Pot O' Gold Ranch. Today, the youth camp continues to provide the setting for church camps, retreats and outings. We host a variety of weeks with a different emphasis to assist churches in meeting the needs of their respective youth ministries.
The camp is a 501 C3 non-profit organization operated by a Board of Directors made of local pastors and laymen. It is a local church ministry but is not owned by any individual, church or fellowship. As a result. we rely heavily on the cooperation of God's people to support the work with finances, physical labor and prayer. All of which you can be a part!
- Volunteer for camp workdays
- Donate financially to cover year round expenses
- Sponsor a camper - campership program
- Partner with us through prayer